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Mayo Clinic Laboratories

Page 1 of 2 Tests Beginning with U 32 entries

ULCH  Ulocladium chartarum, IgE, Serum Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
Uncrossmatched Blood, Emerg...  Uncrossmatched Blood, Emergency, Blood Bronson Laboratory, Blood Bank
UFHXA or LAB3473  Unfractionated Heparin Anti-Xa Assay Bronson Laboratory, Coagulation
UNIPD  Uniparental Disomy, Varies Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
UCDP  Urea Cycle Disorders Gene Panel, Varies Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
UUNR or LAB748  Urea Nitrogen (BUN), Random, Urine Bronson Laboratory, Chemistry
URUNT or LAB449  Urea Nitrogen, 24-Hour, Urine Bronson Laboratory, Chemistry
BUNF or LAB2768  Urea Nitrogen, Body Fluid Bronson Laboratory, Chemistry
URBRP  Ureaplasma species, Molecular Detection, PCR, Blood Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
URPRP  Ureaplasma species, Molecular Detection, PCR, Plasma Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
URRP  Ureaplasma species, Molecular Detection, PCR, Varies Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
URURIT or LAB841  Uric Acid, 24-Hour, Urine Bronson Laboratory, Chemistry
URICF or LAB2788  Uric Acid, Body Fluid Bronson Laboratory, Chemistry
ELITEK or LAB2429  Uric Acid, Elitek Bronson Laboratory, Chemistry
UURIR or LAB2106  Uric Acid, Random, Urine Bronson Laboratory, Chemistry
URIC or LAB4850  Uric Acid, Serum or Plasma Bronson Laboratory, Chemistry
GALE  Uridine Diphosphate-Galactose 4' Epimerase, Blood Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
UA  Urinalysis with Reflex Microscopy Bronson Laboratory Services-Urinalysis
UAIFF  Urinalysis with Reflex Microscopy and Culture if Indicated Bronson Laboratory Services-Urinalysis
URCH  Urinalysis without Microscopy Bronson Laboratory Services-Urinalysis
UCACR  Urine Calcium / Creatinine Ratio (UCACRE) Bronson Laboratory Services-Chemistry
Urine Electrolytes Panel  Urine Electrolyte, Random Bronson Laboratory, Chemistry
PREGU  Urine hCG Test, Qualitative Bronson Laboratory Services-Hematology/Urinalysis Section
UPIFE  Urine Protein Electrophoresis and Immunofixation Bronson Laboratory Services-Chemistry
USPG  Urine Specific Gravity Bronson Laboratory Services-Urinalysis