Test Code Lab4 (ThinPrep) Cytology, ThinPrep Pap Test with Reflex High-Risk HPV DNA if ASC
Includes routine cytologic evaluation of a monolayer smear
preparation by ThinPrep method of genital specimens.
Note: ThinPrep Pap smears of patients
≥21 years of age with a diagnosis of atypical squamous cells of
undetermined significance (ASCUS) will be reflexively
forwarded for #HPVH Human Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA, High
Risk with 16/18 genotyping per Bronson Cytology reflex
HPV policy.
Performing Laboratory
Bronson Laboratory Services-Cytology
Specimen Requirements
For optimal interpretation, Pap smears should be collected near
the middle of the menstrual cycle. No douching or sexual
intercourse for 24 hours prior to specimen collection.
Forms: Pathology requisition; include
patient’s full name, date of birth, specimen source, date of
service, ICD-9 code, and pertinent clinical history
Specimen Type: Cervix
Container/Tube: Broom collection device;
PreservCyt solution vial
Collection Instructions:
1. Obtain adequate specimen of cervix.
2. Rinse broom into PreservCyt solution vial by pushing
broom into bottom of vial 10 times, forcing bristles apart.
3. As final step, swirl broom vigorously to further release
4. Discard broom.
5. Tighten cap on vial.
6. Label vial with patient’s full name, date of
birth, date of collection, and source of specimen.
Additional Information: Causes for
rejection include improper labeling or vial leakage due to
insufficient cap tightening.
Specimen Type: Ectocervix and endocervix
Container/Tube: Endocervical brush/spatula
collection device
Collection Instructions:
1. Obtain adequate specimen of ectocervix using spatula.
2. Rinse spatula into PreservCyt solution by swirling spatula
vigorously in vial 10 times.
3. Discard spatula.
4. Obtain adequate specimen from endocervix using brush.
5. Rinse brush into PreservCyt vial by rotating brush 10 times
while pushing against side of vial.
6. As final step, swirl brush vigorously to further release
7. Discard brush.
8. Tighten cap on vial.
9. Label vial with patient’s full name, date of birth,
date of collection, and source of specimen.
Additional Information: Causes for
rejection include improper labeling or vial leakage due to
insufficient cap tightening.
Specimen Transport Temperature
Reference Values
Absence or presence of malignant cells; presence of cells
representing intraepithelial neoplasia (dysplasia); accompanying
etiologic agents (viral, fungal, parasitic)
US Preventative Task Force 2018 Recommendations for Cervical Cancer Screening
Day(s) Test Set Up
Monday through Friday